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Certified DOT Exam $100

Driver Friendly

Usually in and out in 30 minutes


  • No appointment needed

  • Usually in and out in 30 minutes

  • Evening & weekend hours

  • Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 5-7pm and Saturday 9am-11:30 am


The Day of the DOT Physical Exam:

1.Bring the medical records you’ve prepared in advance, including your list of medications.

2.Remember to bring your eye glasses (it’s surprising how many people forget this).

3.Cutting back on caffeine and nicotine can help improve your blood pressure.

4.Avoid salty foods you eat and not adding salt to your food can also help to lower your blood pressure.

5.Drink water. Come with a need to pee.  Urine is tested for blood, sugar and protein.

6.We do not perform drug test screenings

7.Do not take any energy drinks, this will likely cause an increase in blood pressure.


Getting Past ‘White Coat’ Syndrome:

We understand that this is a very real concern for some drivers.  we understand that passing your DOT physical exam is  essential to your livelihood and we’re here to do everything we can to help you complete your exam.



As a certified medical examiner, I am from a background family of truck drivers including my uncles my cousins and my dad.

Being an owner/operator of dump trucks, I remember holding a flashlight at midnight as he would work on the transmission of his Ford LTL seeing firsthand how hard he worked as well as the stress drivers face by cars that brake at the last second to turn or stop suddenly without realizing the distance needed for the truck behind them. 

I briefly did some on-site driving in the dump truck quickly realized that I'm would not have been a very good one, so I spent my summers as a teen popping split rims with a tire hammer fixing flats tires.


We offer convenient hours, fast friendly service and a sincere appreciation for drivers, mechanics and many others working  in the trucking industry.

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